I was once told that the amount of time available to read novels while at university would drastically decrease. I kind of laughed, and said that I would be an exception to that world, because it is well...me.
Well, they were half right. It is hard to find time. But, in the 2 and a half weeks I have been at school, I have read two novels. That is a great accomplishment by some people's standards, but this is averaging less that one book a week, and for me, this is, really, very low. I managed to read the sequel to Confessions of a Shopaholic, and Cheaper by the Dozen.
The two recent movies, Cheaper by the Dozen, and Cheaper by the Dozen 2, are modern adaptations made from the original novel written in the earlier decades of the 20th Century. There is also an older adaptation that follows the book fairly well, and is quite amusing. I don't know if I saw the older or the newer adaptation first, but I do know that I discovered the book sitting on my bookshelf soon after I saw the old adaptation.

The book is charming. The story of 12 children and their cooky adventures is a true story, and one that is lovingly written by two of the children that grew up in the Gilbreth family. It is really a biography of their father, and to a large extent their mother, who defined and drove the family in all its peculiarities. It is laugh out loud funny too, and one that is worth pulling off the bookshelf to read at least once per annum.

What I like about a book that contains people of all different ages and stages of life, is that everyone can relate, and find something relevant. I especially understand the plights of the teenage girls, as they deal with boys, brothers, and life with a large family. I guess it becomes more enjoyable because I can relate to the logistical nightmare of having a big family; I am the oldest of five children.
Note to self: Find the sequel Bells on their Toes from the library.
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