There was a book that my father read to me as a child. It was a Dr. Seuss book called On Beyond Zebra. In the book, a young boy grows bored of using the same 26 letters of the alphabet, and searches to see what it would be like to go, "on beyond" the z in zebra. I loved the crazy sounds that his new alphabet made, and would often read it aloud to my younger siblings (they however got annoyed that I pronounced "zebra" and "zed" the British way!).

While I could never exhaust the deep well of Jane Austen, I wonder, "what else is out there." The desire to continue blogging paired with some great books that I am reading led to On Beyond Austen, if I might be permitted to borrow a catchy turn of phrase from Dr. Suess.
I hope that you will check in every once and a while to see what is on my reading palate. The contents of this blog are not confined to classic literature, but since that is what I usually read, that will comprise the majority of this blog. I will also not promise to blog, for example, every week. I have nothing to prove, so I feel no guilt in not publishing regularily.
I'm glad to have you back, devoted readers. See you around.
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